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Looking for a Stoic wellbeing coach, counselor, or consultant? We've got you covered! Check out our directory of trusted pros who help clients all over the world.

Jamie Ryder
Stoic Athenaeum
About: Stoic Athenaeum is a philosophy-inspired copywriting business that helps mental health brands, coaches and therapists build more leads, sales and opportunities through the written word. Services include email marketing, editorial writing, case studies, landing pages and podcast pitching.
Specialties: Copywriting, editorial writing, email marketing
Location: Offers these services in the UK, US and Canada
Email: jamie@stoicathenaeum

Scott Corey
Stoic Archer Academy
About: The Stoic Archer Academy teaches Stoic Philosophy as a way of life with a modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focus to inspire action that makes self development, resilience and character building, and preventative mental health care not only practical, but fulfilling. We do this mostly through one on one mentorship. We also sponsor and participate in multiple charities a year, speak at treatment facilities, teach classes such as grief and aftercare for addiction, and guest speak on podcasts/lectures/group discussions. I have been a Psychotherapist for over 15 years and am a certified meditation practitioner.
Specializations: 1:1 Mentorship, Motivational Public Speaking, Instructing Classes/Groups, Lectures, Meditation, Addiction Recovery & Aftercare, Grief
Location: The Stoic Archer Academy holds mentorship worldwide via zoom.

Lydia Scratch
Stoic Solutions Coaching & Consulting
About: I'm a Sweary Midlife coach helping women flourish in midlife, guided by Stoicism. Before leaving my toxic corporate job, I was coming off the end of one hell of a hard time in life. When I was 43, I reached the point of finally admitting that I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and unbearably stuck. I ended up quitting my toxic corporate job to build a career in coaching. And that solved a lot of my problems, but not all of them. Enter Stoicism. Through actionable lessons and thought-provoking exercises that stem from ancient wisdom and modern science, I came to be who I am today. I am a certified Heroic Performance coach and Erikson Professional coach.
Specialties: Helping women in midlife flourish, professionals who need to calm the eff down (all my coaching is informed by Stoicism)
Location: Based in Canada, serve the world through phone and Zoom coaching
Phone: 587-580-5468 (text or WhatsApp)

Brendan Hogle, Brice Noble, and Benny Voncken
Via Stoica
About: At Via Stoica, we offer 1-on-1 online coaching sessions tailored to your needs. If you want to learn more about Stoicism while improving your life or want to focus on the issues at hand, we can help you. By using Stoic principles as the foundation of our support, we can provide you with the practical tools and personal insights to find balance and peace. The coaches at Via Stoica are all daily practitioners of Stoicism and are thought leaders by studying the texts, writing articles, and hosting live conversations and podcasts. Having gained practical experience of the last few years, they offer non-judgmental listening and insightful guidance.
Specialties: We offer a range of support products all based on Stoic philosophy. Such as coaching, masterclasses, communities, and online resources.
Location: We offer worldwide services online.

Alexander Zock
Wahrnehmen - Wagen - Wirken
About: I am integrating Stoic ideas into my coaching work, which is focused on personal development challenges in a professional environment. Core ideas of my practical work that are related to Stoic principles can be found in my book Der Weg der Stoa in der Führung. In this book you can also find a catalog of practical exercises for developing a Stoic attitude in a leadership role that is both focused on personal growth as well as on developing team or organizational contexts.
Specialties: Executive Coaching and Organizational Consultancy
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Website: and